Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Nothing Says Christmas Like Weapons

Christmas morning 2006. Here you have the Quinn brothers in their element. All weaponed up, and fantasizing about the coming battles, which they will win with team work. And then, sadly they will attack each other, until one retreats to bed station. At this point there is usually some forgotten toy or book to re-orient the fight, and re-kindle the fires of war. And visions of Uruk-Hai dance in there heads ...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Happy Happy Joy Joy
Originally uploaded by billquinn_ky.

Thats my boy ..

Thats my boy ..
Originally uploaded by billquinn_ky.
True love, like no other.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dick Cheney or Maryln Manson, you decide.