Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad (a badass turns 70)

Dad & Me
Originally uploaded by billquinn_ky.
Dad, Gran, Doo, Paul, Mike ... he goes by a lot of different names.

So here we are, back in 1965. The back of the photo says, "William 4 mo". Nice tan.

My dad is a badass, a seasoned, mature, 70 year old badass.

Happy Birthday dad!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom & Me
Originally uploaded by billquinn_ky.
June 15th was mom's 71st birthday. Happy Birthday Mom. This is a nice old photo, taken at my grandparents. Look at mom - wow! Nice dress. Mom says that I had received the wooden shoe as a gift from the IBM santa ... or something like that.
Happy Birthday Mom!